Want to contact us?

Well, that’s just marvellous! Use the links below to find out more information or use the button below and fill out our contact form to get in touch with one of the team.


Want to contact us with feedback? We’d love it if you could complete our SurveyMoney form. This will be reviewed directly by the education team to see if we can make our experience even better.

Take our survey

Bill or non-education matter

Bristol Water matters – if it’s about a bill or non-education matters, head over to our FAQs section. 


Teachers looking for school visits

We’ve suspended school visits for the moment. But please sign up to our newsletter and we can add you to our contact list when we hope to restart our visits.

Pupils looking for career opportunities

It’s best to head directly to our careers section. When we have a role available, it will be advertised directly on the page.

Careers in water